CTVR project activity
We visited University of Adult Education in Velenje as part of the All-Slovenian adult education Quality Day.
Within the University of Adult education of Velenje is Pattern city. Pattern city is an ecosystem for education, experimentation, prototyping and innovation (https://pattern.city/ and https://www.facebook.com/Pattern.City4.0/), where we as visitors tested the possibilities of teaching with the help of modern technologies such as virtual reality learning and augmented reality.
Through the presentation, we learned how useful this type of technology is and what learning and teaching possibilities it offers to us.
Ljudsko univerzo Velenje smo obiskali v okviru vseslovenskega dneva kakovosti v izobraževanju odraslih.
V okviru Ljudske univerze Velenje deluje tudi Vzorčno mesto/Pattern city. Pattern city je ekosistem za izobraževanje, eksperimentiranje, izdelavo prototipov in inovacij (https://pattern.city/ in https://www.facebook.com/Pattern.City4.0/).
Kot obiskovalci smo preizkušali možnosti poučevanja s pomočjo sodobnih tehnologij, kot sta učenje virtualne resničnosti in obogatena resničnost.
Skozi predstavitev celotnega koncepta smo spoznali, kako uporabna je tovrstna tehnologija in kakšne možnosti učenja in poučevanja nam ponuja.
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